5 Master Shots


Contrast: In this clip it clearly shows the difference in student ethic. While Jonathan is working diligently, im skipping class and getting a snack from the vending machine. We thought that with this contrast many student viewers could relate; especially knowing that Lely High School does not allow students to buy snacks while class is in session. However the perfect student would instead be working hard on assignments.

Parallelism: At this angle it shows two people walking towards each other. Parallelism is able to show two completely different views; in this case these two people walking. Each person walking has different qualities and different sense of movement. This shot is perfect in explaining both sides 

Symbolism: In this shot the camera zooms into the shape on the brochure, this quickly turns into the sign on the outside of a window shop. We choose this idea of shape to show how if used correctly, shape can be used in many situations. The idea of symbolism is used to smoothly transfer scenes that otherwise might not blend well together. 

Simultaneity: In this shot viewers are able to see two different backgrounds. In most cases the classic view of inside and outside. This particular view shows the outside of the window store with people walking while inside seems unlively and still. This shot is really important to see how outside characters/themes may influence the idea happening on the inside. 

Leitmotif: In this edit it shows what Jonathan is in one scene typing and writing for work and in the other scene Jonathan appears to be sleeping. Leitmotif is used to help build a sense of continuity. Often manipulated to match the action or mood of a scene; in this case we used this shot to show how tired and lazy we are feeling.  


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